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Employee Evaluation
Number:3.16 | Policy/Operational Procedure Name:Employee Evaluation |
Sponsor:Kathy McKinley | Custodian:Human Resources and Talent Management |
Effective Date(s):7/1/2015 | Next Review Date:2019-2020 |
Location: | Citation: |
Policy Statement
ýƵnical Community College requires annual performance evaluations of all employees to create and maintain an environment of excellence.
Employee evaluations (1) increase the effectiveness of personnel in fulfilling the mission, vision, values, and goals of the College and; (2) assist personnel in selecting appropriate professional development activities to encourage personal and professional growth. Performance evaluations are also tools that departments should utilize for succession planning in that they identify individuals who should be coached for future management/professional level positions. Employee evaluations are based on job expectations that are clearly defined by the supervisor in discussions with the employee.
The direct supervisor has the responsibility for evaluating the employee’s job performance throughout the year and if the need arises, holding periodic coaching sessions with the employee to discuss ways to improve current job performance. Annually, based on the designated steps below, the supervisor and employee will have face-to-face meetings to discuss the evaluation, emphasizing strengths and areas needing improvement in job performance. Student evaluations of curriculum instruction are critical to the evaluation process for faculty. Student evaluation results should be used as a learning tool to identify areas of improvement to enhance instruction.
Probationary Evaluation Process: All new full-time (FT) staff are hired at ýƵ based on a contingency that they will be extended a full time contract or permanent continuing part-time contract as applicable when they successfully complete their probationary period. For staff, the probationary period is three months; for FT faculty the period is a full semester. During the probationary period, supervisors must evaluate the new employee’s performance monthly, for a total of two evaluations for staff and three for faculty, utilizing the probationary performance evaluation template located on the Human Resources web page. The final evaluation will use the annual performance evaluation tool and may take the place of the annual performance evaluation for the first year. Evaluation for subsequent years should follow the regular annual evaluation timeline.
If the employee successfully passes his/her probationary period, a copy of all evaluations should be sent to Human Resources and copies should be maintained in the supervisor’s file. If the probationary period needs to be terminated early or extended, the supervisor will note such on the employee’s probationary evaluation and attach a memorandum to the President of the College, Division Head, and Director of Human Resources requesting an extension of the probationary period or request for separation from the college with any relevant notes and evaluations.
Annual Evaluation Process for FT Employees: All full-time employees will be evaluated annually using the employee evaluation form located on the Human Resources web page on the ýƵ website. Evaluations of employees who report directly to the president may take a different format and follow a different procedure than for other employees; however, direct reports to the president will be evaluated annually.
Supervisors have some flexibility in scheduling the steps in the process; however, all three steps must be completed for each employee.
Steps for the performance evaluation process:
Planning period – The supervisor and employee will review and update the employee’s job description, prepare a work plan with objectives and a professional development plan for the coming year.
Mid-Year Review – The supervisor and employee will review the work plan and objectives and revise, as necessary. The employee should bring supporting documentation to update their objectives. Employees will also indicate their interest in committee assignments for the next academic year.
End of Year Review – The supervisor and employee will review and update the work plan and the professional development plan. The employee will provide a self-evaluation and, in communication with the supervisor, a final evaluation will be completed. Faculty supervisors should review instructor evaluations from the year. All supervisors should consider soliciting and including feedback from any source on campus who has knowledge of the employee’s work performance as part of the evaluation process. When evaluating supervisory roles, evaluators should collect feedback from the supervisor’s subordinates as well as peers with whom they engage on a regular basis (This may include outside contractors/vendors). The final signed evaluation form is forwarded to the Human Resources Office. The supervisor should also provide a copy to the employee and keep a copy for his/her records.
A suggested timeline for completing the standard employee evaluation process is provided below:
July – September – Planning Period
December – January – Mid-Year Review
May – June – End of Year Review
During the final evaluation, if any standard is evaluated as “Unsatisfactory,” or “Needs Improvement,” this must be discussed and documented in the “Comments” section of the evaluation form, describing why performance is not satisfactory along with special improvement measures on how performance can be improved. If there are more than one “unsatisfactory” ratings on the evaluation, the HR Director must be contacted and an action plan developed to address the areas that need improvement. Supervisors should also provide positive feedback to the employee, as appropriate. The employee may make any written comments on the evaluation form prior to signing it. If needed, the supervisor will arrange a follow up meeting with the employee, including the dean/director/VP to resolve differences of opinions that came up during the initial meeting.
Performance Evaluation for employees who are being recommended for a special conditions contract
When a supervisor’s experience and prior evaluation of an employee leads to the issuing of a special conditions contract, the supervisor should alter the recommended timeline for completing the evaluation process so that a written evaluation is submitted to Human Resources no later than March 1st to align with the contract renewal decision-making process. If March 1st falls on a weekend, evaluations should be submitted on the next business day.